
The Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology, Tokyo Rosai Hospital

Features Achievements Staff


In Japan, the number of diabetic patients is estimated to be 20 million including those with pre-diabetes (National Health and Nutrition Survey, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 2008). Early detection and appropriate medical care are important to prevent the onset and progression of complications (stroke, myocardial infarction, foot gangrene, proliferative retinopathy, chronic renal failure, etc.). However, it is estimated that one-third of people with strongly suspected diabetes do not receive treatment. The Department was established in June 2002 with the main objective of addressing this situation, and the number of patients managed has steadily increased over the years (approximately 2,400 patients as of April, 2008).

Metabolic diseases such as diabetes (especially type 2) and metabolic syndrome require lifestyle modification in their treatment. The importance of team medicine by other professions has been emphasized to support patients to understand their diseases and conditions well and to initiate and continue proactive medical treatment. The Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases provides team care for metabolic diseases such as diabetes in collaboration with the Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Consultation Unit, which consists of two Certified Nurse in Diabetes Nursings*, Dietitians, Pharmacists, Medical Technologists, Physical Therapists and other CDEJ**-Qualified Staff, as well as Physicians. The team provides medical care for metabolic diseases such as diabetes. In the outpatient clinic, a continuous medical care guidance system by dietitians and nurses was established in 2006, which has greatly contributed to the improvement of treatment outcomes. In 2010, an outpatient diabetic foot care clinic staffed by qualified nurses was established, which has been well received by many diabetic patients with foot lesions. In inpatient care, in addition to general inpatient treatment, we also provide short-term hospitalization for safe and reliable introduction of insulin therapy and very-low-calorie diet therapy (VLCD) using a formula diet.

We also actively treat patients with endocrine disorders, including not only glucose metabolism disorders, but also a wide variety of other disorders such as mesencephalic and pituitary disorders, thyroid disorders, parathyroid and bone metabolism disorders, adrenal gland disorders, and gonadal disorders, in collaboration with other departments.

As of April 1, 2007, we were accredited as an approved educational program by the Japan Endocrine Society.



Number of patients in the Department by year


Koichiro Kuwabara
Title Director of The Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology
Education Graduated from Department of Medicine, Tokyo University, school of Medicine, in 1992 Graduated from Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo in 2001 Doctor of Medicine
Affiliations The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (Board Certified Member of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine / Fellow of the Japanese Society Internal Medicine / Medical advisor of the Japanese Society Internal Medicine) The Japan Endocrine Society(Endocrinology and Metabolism Specialist/ Medical advisor) The Japan Diabetes Society, The Japan Thyroid Association, The Japan Neuroendocrine Society, The Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine, The Japanese Society of Reproductive Medicine
Others Endocrine metabolism, Diabetes Medicine, Vocational Training and Medical advisor
Name Shinichiro Koga
Title Deputy Director of The Department of Diabetes, Metabolism and Endocrinology
Education Graduated from Department of Medicine, Yamagata University, School of Medicine, in 2001 Graduated from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine in 2007 Doctor of Medicine
Affiliations The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (Board Certified Member of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine / Fellow of the Japanese Society Internal Medicine / Medical advisor of the Japanese Society Internal Medicine) The Japan Diabetes Society (Board Certified Doctor), The Japan Endocrine Society, The Japanese Society of Nephrology (Fellow/ Medical advisor), The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (Fellow), The Japan Atherosclerosis Society, The Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Others The Japan Medical Association Certified Industrial Physician (JMA), The Medical advisor in Japan Diabetes Association
Name Ken Kanazawa
Title Physician
Education Graduated from Toho University Faculty of Medicine in 2011 Graduated from Toho University Graduate School of Medicine, in 2019 Doctor of Medicine
Affiliations The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (Board Certified Member of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine / Medical advisor), The Japan Diabetes Society (Board Certified Doctor / Medical advisor) The Japan Endocrine Society (Endocrinology and Metabolism), The Japan Thyroid Association, The Japanese Society of Metabolism and clinical Nutrition, The Japanese Society of Chemotherapy, The Japan Osteoporosis Society
Others Medical advisor in the field of endocrine metabolism and diabetes, Board Certified Member of Japan Diabetes Association
Name Mai Hijikata
Title Physician
Education Graduated from Toho University Faculty of Medicine in 2011
Affiliations The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (Board Certified Member of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine), The Japan Diabetes Society (Fellow), The Japan Endocrine Society