
The Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tokyo Rosai Hospital


Otorhinolaryngology, as the name suggests, treats diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. In addition, the cervical (neck) area is also included. Otorhinolaryngology treats a wide variety of diseases, and patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly.


We treat all kinds of otorhinolaryngological diseases, The doctors from Toho University Medical Center Omori Hospital and other clinics in Kamata and Omori areas work together to improve regional medical care. Our hospital operates on a referral reservation system, however, in case of an emergency, we will be able to see you without an appointment. Depending on the situation (such as surgery), we may not be able to accommodate you, so if you would like to see us, please contact us in advance.

Major Diseases treated by otorhinolaryngology


We perform tympanoplasty and tympanoplasty on 10 to 20 cases a year for chronic cholesteatoma-otitis media. The surgery is mainly performed by Professor Manabu Komori of the Department of Otolaryngology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine. If you are suffering from hearing loss or would like to have hearing aids made, please feel free to contact us. We also have designated doctors for the physically disabled, and hearing aid consultants.

Representative diseases

Chronic otitis media, Cholesteatoma-otitis media, Otitis media with effusion, Sudden hearing loss, Presbycusis, Facial nerve paralysis, etc.

Nasal sinus diseases

We mainly perform endoscopic nasal and sinus surgery for chronic sinusitis (empyema). It is minimally invasive, and the hospitalization period is 4 to 5 days, and even after discharge, you can return to work immediately if you have an office work. All patients who were suffered from nasal congestion, they agreed with how comfortable the clear nasal passages. For difficult cases, we cooperate with Toho University Medical Center Omori Hospital.

Representative diseases

Chronic sinusitis, Deviated nasal septum, Allergic rhinitis, Nasal/Sinus tumors, Orbital floor fractures, Epistaxis, etc.

Oropharyngeal region

We perform palatine tonsillectomy for chronic tonsillitis and tonsil focal infections (IgA nephropathy, palmoplantar pustulosis, etc.). For sleep apnea syndrome, polysomnography including electroencephalogram is available with overnight hospitalization.

Representative diseases

Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Adenoid hyperplasia, Aleep apnea syndrome, Tongue tumor, Laryngopharyngeal tumor, etc.

Laryngotracheoesophageal region

Laryngeal microsurgery is performed as necessary to treat vocal cord polyps, which are one of the causes of hoarseness.

Representative diseases

Vocal cord polyps, Vocal cord nodules, Laryngeal granulomas, Airway stenosis, etc.

Head and Neck area

We perform excision and removal of benign tumors in the neck such as parotid gland tumors, submandibular gland tumors, thyroid tumors, parathyroid tumors, enlarged lymph nodes, etc. Although it is possible to diagnose malignant diseases, in most cases we will refer patients to university hospitals or cancer treatment hospitals for treatment.

Representative diseases

Parotid gland tumor, Submandibular gland tumor, Thyroid tumor, Laryngeal tumor, Pharyngeal tumor, Tongue tumor, Cervical cystic disease, Cervical lymphadenitis, etc.

Treatment for dysphagia

Dysphagia refers to a disorder in the ability to take in water and food from outside into the mouth and transport them to the stomach via the pharynx and esophagus. At our hospital, we collaborate with other departments to examine and treat dysphagia. Our department actively performs swallowing contrast imaging (VF), swallowing endoscopy (VE), and swallowing surgery (swallowing function improvement surgery and aspiration prevention surgery). Aspiration prevention surgery, when performed on patients who repeatedly suffer from aspiration pneumonia, significantly improves not only the patient’s quality of life but also the caregiver’s quality of life.

Hearing aid outpatient care

If you diagnosed some ear diseases causes hearing loss, we have outpatient care for hearing aids. We perform a speech hearing test by specialists. We recommend that you try it out for a while, adjust several times, and check the effectiveness of hearing aids before purchasing. We also prepare physical disability documentation and assistive device opinions for patients with severe hearing loss.